Download instructions
To download the client just write address (case sensitive) in your mobile device's wap browser and you can start your download and install. Alternatively you can get a zipped version, source code or HTTP proxy server all from the download page.
To set up the HTTP proxy server you need to download the .jar file, save it into your hard disk and start with command "java -jar HttpIrcProxy.jar". You also need to have Sun Java JRE 1.4 or newer or compatible installed. (Recent version of kaffe should work just fine).
Short description of all the used options and buttons can be found from the manual page. It's not very long but I don't have much time to concentrate on writing the manual so all contributions are appreciated.
Alternative mobile java clients
- Virca - the original and probably most popular client for socket phones only, not updated very often any more
- WLIrc - the client which jmIrc originally forked from, supports HTTP proxy but needs apache etc on server to work
- k-IRC - big, old, not updated and to be honest quite awful client based on RelayIRC